Our team has just published an article on shelter use amongst men who are new to homelessness in later life. The article was based on our review of administrative data of the men’s shelter in Montreal, and adds to understandings of the phenomenon of new homelessness in late life. The unique contributions of this paper include the use of Canadian data, and a large administrative data set that provides us with information from a large sample, where existing published literature is concerned. We found differences between the duration of stay of younger and older men, with older men staying longer, and suggest that some of the emerging patterns may have practice or policy relevance for responding to the needs of older men who become homeless for the first time in later life.

Rothwell, D. W., Sussman, T., Grenier, A., Mott, S., & Bourgeois-Guerin, V. (2016). Patterns of shelter use amongst men new to homelessness in later life: Duration of stay and psychosocial factors related to departure. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Issue 1-23.

For a summary and access to the paper please see: http://connection.sagepub.com/blog/aging/2016/01/25/patterns-of-shelter-use-among-men-new-to-homelessness-in-later-life/